
An estimated 95% of cloud breaches stem from human error. Don't be The Next Headline

Cybersecurity has become a complex and increasingly challenging global crisis for businesses and technology end-users everywhere. According to experts, the world witnessed a colossal 400% increase in digital security breaches in the past year alone.CBRbook-noshadow

  • 21 of the most significant cloud-related breaches that have occurred in the first half of 2021
  • Brief synopsis of these events, highlighting the key characteristics based on publicly available information.
  • “Lessons” for each event, offering actionable insights into how Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) could have mitigated these breaches.

The purpose of this report is to list notable cloud security breaches of this year while also briefly discussing the cause and implications of the intrusions.

Are you making the same mistakes as some of the companies listed?

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“Having a detailed overview of each breach and an understanding of the takeaways can help security and operations teams improve their processes and address risks.”


John Grange

CTO, OpsCompass